Red Giant VFX Suite v2024.2 (Preactivated/Full)

Red Giant VFX Suite v2024.2 (Preactivated/Full)

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Red Giant VFX Suite is a collection of visual effects (VFX) tools and plugins designed for use with popular video editing and compositing software. Red Giant is a well-known developer of software tools for filmmakers, editors, and motion graphics artists. Red Giant VFX Suite typically includes several plugins that cater to different aspects of visual effects and compositing work.


Red Giant VFX Suite surge como una colección integral e indispensable de herramientas y complementos de efectos visuales (VFX) meticulosamente diseñados para integrarse perfectamente con el software de edición y composición de video más utilizado. Como desarrollador líder en el panorama del software cinematográfico, Red Giant se ha establecido como un nombre confiable entre cineastas, editores y artistas de gráficos en movimiento.

Dentro de VFX Suite, los usuarios pueden esperar una gama versátil de complementos, cada uno de ellos finamente ajustado para abordar facetas específicas de los efectos visuales y los esfuerzos de composición. Estas herramientas están diseñadas para elevar el potencial creativo de los profesionales en el campo, ofreciendo soluciones para tareas que van desde la creación de efectos visuales complejos hasta el seguimiento preciso del movimiento.

Entre sus características notables, Supercomp facilita un flujo de trabajo optimizado basado en nodos para combinar múltiples capas con efectos de iluminación realistas, mientras que King Pin Tracker proporciona seguimiento de movimiento plano avanzado para la integración dinámica de escenas. Desde herramientas como Resplandor óptico para agregar brillo natural a objetos iluminados hasta Desplazamiento cromático para simular efectos de aberración realistas, Red Giant VFX Suite se presenta como un conjunto de herramientas dinámicas para aquellos que buscan mejorar el impacto visual de sus proyectos de video.


Red Giant VFX Suite is a comprehensive and versatile collection of visual effects plugins and tools, tailor-made for professionals in the fields of video editing and compositing. Developed by Red Giant, a reputed name in film software, the suite is designed to enhance the creative capabilities of filmmakers, editors, and motion graphics artists. At its core, Red Giant VFX Suite encompasses a variety of plugins, each designed to address specific aspects of visual effects work.

One of the standout features of the suite is Supercomp, a powerful tool that makes it easy to create complex visual effects through a node-based workflow. Supercomp allows users to mix and match multiple layers with realistic lighting and atmospheric effects, providing an agile and efficient approach to creating engaging visual compositions.

VFX Suite includes essential tracking tools like King Pin Tracker, which offers advanced flat motion tracking capabilities crucial for seamlessly integrating elements into dynamic scenes with movement. Spot Clone Tracker, another integral component, allows users to remove unwanted elements from video footage by intelligently tracking and matching the movement of a designated area.

Optical Glow, a plugin within the suite, allows the creation of realistic glow effects, adding a natural glow to illuminated objects. Chromatic shift, on the other hand, simulates chromatic aberration and distortion effects, contributing to a greater sense of realism in visual compositions. Red Giant VFX Suite also incorporates tools such as Knoll Light Factory, designed to create authentic lens flare and lighting effects, and Primatte Keyer, a high-quality color keying tool that makes it easy to precisely remove the green or blue screen from the footage.

In addition, the suite offers utilities to generate realistic reflections and shadows, improving the integration of composite elements in scenes. With its diverse set of tools, Red Giant VFX Suite serves as a dynamic solution for professionals looking to elevate the visual impact of their video projects, whether it involves advanced compositing, motion tracking, or the addition of realistic visual effects. As the software landscape evolves, Red Giant continues to refine and expand the capabilities of the VFX Suite, making it a valuable asset for those involved in the ever-evolving field of visual storytelling.


Supercomp: Supercomp is a tool for creating complex visual effects using a node-based workflow. It allows users to mix and match multiple layers of images and elements with realistic lighting and atmospheric effects.

King Pin Tracker: This tool provides advanced planar motion tracking, which is essential for composing elements in scenes with movement.

Spot Clone Tracker: is a tool designed to remove unwanted elements from video sequences by tracking the movement of a designated area.

Optical Glow: Optical Glow is a plugin for creating realistic glow effects, adding a natural-looking glow to illuminated objects.

Chromatic Shift: This tool is used to create realistic-looking chromatic aberration and distortion effects, simulating how different colors refract differently through a lens.

Knoll Light Factory: Knoll Light Factory is a lighting and lens flare plugin that allows users to add realistic lens flares to their images.

Primatte Keyer: Primatte Keyer is a high-quality chroma key tool that allows users to remove green or blue screens from footage and replace them with other backgrounds or elements.

Reflections and Shadows Tools: The suite may include tools to create realistic reflections and shadows to improve the integration of composite elements in a scene.